Read my #1 bestselling book - The Empowered Lover
"The Empowered Lover - The astounding science of how you can elevate your relationship even without depending on your partner to change" is a groundbreaking guide for those seeking to transform their marriage or long-term relationship, even if faced with a resistant partner. Drawing from the fields of social psychology, conflict management, and love and romance, this book offers innovative strategies to reignite passion, deepen connection, and foster personal growth within the confines of a stagnant relationship and for those who just enjoy continuously growing their love.
My Vision
Marriages that last. There may be marriages that started under wrong prerequisites but what about those that start with love and grow apart after sometimes decades? It's not your partner's fault and it's not your fault. You are not broken. You don’t need to be fixed. Yet, you are not getting the results in your relationship(s) that you need to be happy. How can you get the results you want? The answer to that question is as unique as you are, so that's where we'll start working together to find that one-of-a-kind solution for you.
Why do I focus on relationships? When I started out as a business coach, my first clients were coincidentally suffering in their marriages. By the end if the coaching program, they were happily in love again. When I noticed this, I wondered how it happened? The coaching was not about relationships, their partners were not involved in the coaching, I never even spoke a word with their partners. But I did ask them to practice the takeaways of each session with their spouses. It took just a few tweaks to my syllabus and the "Love-Based Relationship Method" was born and got profound results right off the bat.
Services I Offer
As a relationship coach I have helped spouses and couples overcome:
- Relationship hanging by a thread although they really love their partner.
- Walking on eggshells in each others presence, feeling like they can’t be themselves at home.
- Spouse brings up negative emotions from past relationships or triggers just like previous partners.
- Feeling like room mates.
- Broken trust (intimately, financially, ...)
- Arguing more than showing each other love and affection and kids suffering in that environment.
- One or both partners fell out of love.
- No matter what you do, it doesn’t help or even makes things worse.
If one or more of these things are true in your relationship, let's talk and see if I can help you, too. Learn more
Attrition is an expensive luxury no company can afford. How is your company culture? Low appreciation, low expectations of the future and feeling disconnected drive attrition. Sounds like one more task on the plate of the leadership team?
Although leadership can't relinquish responsibility for their team, empowering the individuals to take response-ability distributes the weight on many shoulders and relieves much of the pressure. A person who appreciates feels appreciated, a person who connects feels connected and a person who has an eye for opportunities sees a future. If you are curious (or you can already see) how relationship-driven empowerment of the employee serves not only them but the company as a whole and must reflect on the bottom line, then let's talk. Learn more
Listen to more podcasts with Arno.
Check out this Interview with me in the GoSolo interview series about my entrepreneurial journey.
What His Clients Say
This is not just a planner.
This is a personal development tool. (Designed by Arno Koch).
What it's all about
"There are no business problems and no relationship problems. There are only personal problems that reveal themselves in your business or relationship."
If you are looking for support, then call or text Arno today at (805)405-9880 or send an email to info(at)
BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: When addressing the potential effects and benefits within any of our websites, videos, newsletters, programs or other content from, we’ve taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to impact your life. However, Arno Koch does not guarantee that you will experience results in any given timeframe or that your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual well being will be immediately or drastically improved. Arno Koch does not claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. It is our belief that all of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations have been shown to have an effect for the majority of people who have successfully engaged with our content; however, nothing on our site is a guarantee to you of any particular impact or effect. Arno Koch's approach is intended for educational purposes only. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.