What Is Your Personality Type?

Arno Koch

You have probably come across a few personality tests already and we believe every one of them has its place and value. The one in front of you is based on one of the oldest personality tests there is, created in ancient Greece. Instead of the labels every personality type originally had, we gave every personality type an animal that represents its behavior and way of thinking in a striking and easy to remember way. Once you are done with the test and understand how each personality type operates, you will start to see animals all around you and start figuring out how to appreciate and approach them. Note that there is no personality type that is superior to the other ones.

Success in communication does not come with a personality type but with understanding how to approach each personality type. Some people believe, if they adapted to another personality type they would “fake it” or “pretend to be someone they are not”. Nothing can be further from the truth. If person A speaks english and person B approaches person A German, person B is not “authentic” but simply communicating in a way that doesn’t work. What applies to spoken language, also applies to the other modalities of communication.

personality types


Here are some questions regarding the way you feel and act. Each question has radio buttons to answer YES or NO. Decide which answer is closer to your usual way of acting or feeling, then check the respective button. To get the most accurate result, answer each question as fast as possible. We want an answer from your subconscious mind and not an answer that has been reflected on and rationalized. The whole questionnaire shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. You will only be able to access your results after you have answered all questions. If you read a question and think “I don’t know!”, ask yourself “But if I were to know, what would the answer be?”

Start now, work quickly and remember to answer every question. There are no right or wrong answers, and this is not a test of intelligence or ability. It is designed to give you an understanding of how you naturally behave.

1.It’s important to me to do a lot of exciting things.
2.I am usually carefree.
3.It is very hard for me to take no for an answer.
4.I stop and think things over before doing anything.
5.When I play a game, I…
6.Working on my own projects is easier than working in a group.
7.I generally do and say things quickly without stopping to think.
8.My expertise affords me many advantages.
9.I would do almost anything for a dare.
10.I suddenly feel shy when I want to talk to an attractive stranger.
11.Kind and honest appreciation is worth more than material things.
12.I often do things on the spur of the moment.
13.I often worry about things I should have done or said.
14.Generally I prefer reading over meeting people.
15.My feelings are rather easily hurt.
16.I like going out a lot.
17.I am more thorough and detail oriented than most people I know.
18.What kind of clothing do you prefer?
19.I prefer to have few but special friends.
20.When people shout at me I shout back.
21.I am often troubled about feelings of guilt.
22.I am sometimes too tough and cold-hearted.
23.What kind of celebrities resonate most with you?
24.Other people think of me as being very lively.
25.After I have done something important, I come away feeling I could have done better.
26.I am mostly quiet when I am with other people.
27.I tend to run late.
28.I enjoy collecting things and putting them into order.
29.If there is something I want to know about, I would rather look it up in a book than talk to someone about it.
30.If I had to pick a movie, I’d choose…
31.I like the kind of work that I need to pay close attention to.
32.This gives me the most satisfaction…
33.I am the right person when it comes to giving instructions.
34.I hate being with a crowd of people who plays jokes on one another.
35.I am an irritable person.
36.I like doing things in which I have to act quickly.
37.I worry about awful things that might happen.
38.I am slow and unhurried in the way I move.
39.My humor sometimes offends people.
40.I have been called a control freak
41.I like talking to people so much that I never miss a chance of talking to a stranger.
42.I have the ability to motivate my colleagues and to drive them on.
43.I would be very unhappy if I could not see lots of people most of the time.
44.I would call myself a nervous person.
45.I would say that I am fairly self-confident.
46.I am easily hurt when people find fault with me or my work.
47.I often feel inferior to other people.
48.I am not satisfied until every minute detail of my task is completed.
49.I worry about my health.
50.I like playing pranks on others.
51.Having an expertise in a field is more important than being socially competent.